Elementary School Counseling
What is Elementary School Counseling?
Elementary school counseling describes a comprehensive, developmental and systematic program of services based on state and national standards offered to children in the school environment. Services are provided by a state certified, professionally trained school counselor. Program services focus on improving developmental and situational concerns related to learning. (Myrick, 1997; Gladding, 2000; ASCA, 2005)
The Elementary School Counselor…
- Teaches classroom lessons
- Facilitates short-term, small group counseling
- Provides immediate, short-term individual and crisis counseling
- Works collaboratively with teachers and staff
- Consults with parents
- Participates in curriculum development
- Provides information and/or referrals for community resources to families
Please contact your school counselor if you have any concerns about your child regarding...
- Family changes (moving, illness, death, divorce or separation)
- Classroom performance
- Sudden changes in behavior at school or home
- Peer relationships
- Self concept
- Social, emotional, or academic development
School-based services are based upon PA Standards for Student Interpersonal Skills, PA Act 211 Drug and Alcohol Education, PA Career Education and Work Standards, and national standards developed by the American School Counselor Association.