JES Arrival and Pick-up

Mt. Lebanon is a walking school district. Please be aware that there is an increased amount of traffic around the building during arrival and dismissal times. Student safety is of utmost importance which is why we have established arrival and dismissal procedures. When you are dropping off or picking up your child please adhere to these procedures, stay alert, and be patient. It is our goal to make sure that all students arrive to and from school safely. Students are tardy if they arrive after 8:35.

Drop-Off (Grades 1-5)

  • Student drop-off begins at 8:25AM (12:40 for PM Kindergarten)
  • Children may be dropped off in the Circle or on Moffett Street.
  • Children may also walk to school.
  • When you enter the "Go Zone" (the green line along the sidewalk), please have your child exit the car, walk along the sidewalk and enter the school through the front doors.
  • Children must exit the car from the passenger side to avoid stepping out into oncoming traffic. Please consider arranging your car seats to make this possible.
  • Turn right on to Ruth Street upon exiting the circle.
  • Parking in the circle is prohibited during drop-off.


Pick-up (Grades 1-5)

  • Student dismissal begins at 3:30.
  • Students will be dismissed through the Moffett Street doors (A2).
  • If using the Go Zone to pick up your child, please remain in your car and move forward when you are able.
  • If you prefer to greet your child at the door, you may park in the Middle School lot AFTER 3:25.
  • Children must enter the car from the passenger side to avoid stepping into oncoming traffic. Please consider arranging your car seats to make this possible.
  • Parking in the Moffett Street Go Zone is prohibited.
  • Only PM Kindergarten students may be picked up in the Circle. All other traffic must use Moffett Street.


Kindergarten Drop-Off & Pick-Up

  • K AM Drop-Off
    • Kindergarten students will gather outside of the Jefferson Elementary B5 Entrance on the Kindergarten Playground (Circle Drive).
    • Supervision begins at 8:25.
    • Enter the "Go Zone" (the green line along the sidewalk), please have your child exit the car, walk along the sidewalk to B5.
    • Children must exit the car from the passenger side to avoid stepping out into oncoming traffic. Please consider arranging your car seats to make this possible.
    • Parking in the circle is discouraged during drop-off.
  • K AM Pick-Up
    • AM Kindergarten dismissal begins at 11:20 at the JES Main Office (B5).
    • Children must enter the car from the passenger side to avoid stepping into oncoming traffic. Please consider arranging your car seats to make this possible.
  • K PM Drop-Off
    • Kindergarten students will gather outside of the Jefferson Elementary B5 Entrance on the Kindergarten Playground (Circle Drive).
    • Students will enter the building at 12:40. Please arrive between 12:35-12:40 to ensure a prompt start to the day. Children must be accompanied by and adult until they enter the building.
    • If you arrive after 12:45, you will need to check your child into the office (Entrance B5).
  • K PM Pick-Up
    • PM Kindergarten Dismissal begins at 3:30 in the Circle.
    • During pick-up, please stay in your car. The teachers will walk your child to the car as you advance in the "Go Zone" (the green line along the sidewalk).
    • Children must enter the car from the passenger side to avoid stepping into oncoming traffic. Please consider arranging your car seats to make this possible.
    • PM Kindergarten parents must turn right on to Ruth Street upon exiting the circle.
    • Parking in the circle is prohibited during pick-up.



JES Go Zones


JES Safe Walking Routes

JES Safe Walking Routes

JES Parking Map

JES Parking Map